Lai Jien Weng

Lai Jien Weng

Applied Mathematics in Computing

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The Services
I Offer

Predictive Modelling

Proficient in leveraging data science methodologies to extract valuable insights and drive informed decision-making.
Skilled in data preprocessing, analysis, and visualization using Python, R, and SQL.
Experienced in machine learning techniques such as regression, classification, clustering, and deep learning.

Predictive Modelling

  • Assessing risk by analyzing historical patterns and identifying factors that contribute to specific outcomes.
    This is crucial in insurance for assessing the risk of policyholders, in finance for credit scoring, and in cybersecurity for detecting potential threats.
  • Forecast future trends and outcomes based on historical data.
  • Optimization of processes and resources by identifying inefficiencies and recommending improvements.
  • Detect fraudulent activities by identifying unusual patterns or anomalies in data.

Data Analysis and Visualization

Conduct exploratory data analysis (EDA) to uncover patterns, trends, and outliers within datasets.
Perform statistical analysis to derive meaningful insights and make data-driven decisions.
Utilize data visualization techniques to enhance understanding of complex data and facilitate strategic decision-making processes.

Data Analysis and Visualization

  • Proficient in data visualization and analysis using tools like Python, R, and Tableau.
  • Skilled in exploratory data analysis (EDA) to uncover patterns, trends, and relationships in datasets.
  • Capable of identifying outliers, anomalies, and key performance indicators (KPIs) to drive decision-making.
  • Experienced in transforming complex data into clear and compelling visualizations.

My Recent Works


Predictive Modelling on Loan Approval

Improved Risk Assessment Leading to More Accurate Loan Approval Decisions.

Smart Watch Company Analysis (Data Analysis)

Data Analytics about Smart Watch Company Analysis with Actionable Insight.

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